Nr 7, year 2
The winter solstice 2022 (73 Aqu.)
”He who walks the path exists not for himself, but for others.”
– Pythagoras
Dear reader!
You are now reading the seventh newsletter from the association Knowledge for the Harmonious Development of Man. The purpose of the association is “to spread and promote, in Sweden and abroad, the knowledge about reality, the esoteric world and life view, in particular Pythagoras’ doctrine of knowledge, hylozoics, as it has been presented by Henry T. Laurency and Lars Adelskogh”.
The purpose of this newsletter is primarily to inform about news on the association’s website (www.veidos.org) and about newly published books on knowledge of life from the association’s own Dodekaeder Publishing House, as well as other things of interest regarding the association’s activities. The newsletters are published on the days of the solstices. The next newsletter will therefore be published on June 21, 2023, that is the day of the summer solstice.
The website
Concerning the Association’s website, we can announce that we plan to make some changes to the front page of the website in 2023. The changes are intended to make it easier for readers to familiarize themselves with new subject-specific compilations as well as newly introduced digital books in the Library for Knowledge of Life as well as other items that are published on an ongoing basis in some part of the website.
We can also inform you that the association now has its own profile on YouTube:
Through the association’s presence on YouTube, our hope is that people other than those already familiar with the association’s activities will be able to take advantage of the books published by Dodekaeder Publishing House, but also become acquainted with the other content on the association’s website.
The Library for Knowledge of Life
Today we have the great pleasure to publish the first part of a unique interview series with Lars Adelskogh. The video will soon be available in the video section of the library but can already now be accessed directly via the following link:
Our intention is to continue to publish a new episode in this interview series with Lars Adelskogh on the days of the equinoxes and solstices. Thus, if all goes according to plan, the next episode will be published on March 20 2023, the day of the spring equinox.
Since the previous newsletter, we have expanded the library with several books by Annie Besant; in total there are now 76 books written by her and another book she wrote together with Charles W. Leadbeater. Below is a direct link to the library:
Dodekaeder Publishing House
A joyful news on our website is that we have published four reproductions of Irmeli Adelskogh’s paintings: Archangel, Mountain Deva, Dawn and Garden Deva. All reproductions are sold for the benefit of the association, which means that all proceeds from the sale of the reproductions will go to the association.
We would also like to remind you that in the autumn Dodekaeder Publishing House published a new limited edition (in Swedish) of Count of Saint Germain – The Great Enigma of the Eighteenth Century by G. Halfdan Liander:
In connection with the publication of the book, we wanted to make Count de Saint Germain known also as a composer and violinist. An extremely limited edition of three musical works recorded on CDs and composed by Count de Saint Germain is now available to our readers:
The book Kvantitetens herravälde och tidens tecken (The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times) by René Guénon is now sold out in Dodekaeder Publishing House, both the softcover and hardcover book. Interested readers are referred instead to Logik Förlag:
In early 2023, we will continue preparations for the publication of a new book, which we plan to publish sometime during the coming autumn. More information about the book will be available in the next newsletter.
Worth thinking about
Finally, the same thought-provoking quote from Henry T. Laurency (L4 5.13.3), with which the previous newsletter ended, reminds us of the Latin proverb, verbum sat sapienti, “a word is enough to the wise” (Fundamentals of Light Technology 9.9.4).
”It would be highly valuable, too, if esotericians would care to tell of their experiences, how they got into contact with the knowledge and its significance for their view on reality and life. As ignorant of life as most people are and need to be liberated from the prevalent delusions, it is desirable that all who could testify in the case did so. Observations on upbringing, education, friends, social intercourse, etc., and their effects in various respects could be very valuable from a pedagogical and psychological point of view. There are so many things that need correction and have not been elucidated correctly.”
We wish our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with inspiring and rewarding studies of the books of Henry T. Laurency, Lars Adelskogh and other esoteric authors.
The Association Knowledge for the Harmonious Development of Man Bank account: 9670-203 83 82 (JAK-banken); BG: 5588-5776 Publisher: Dano Kostovski