Knowledge for the Harmonious Development of Man


No 10, Year 4


The summer solstice 2024 (75 Aqu.)

He who walks the path exists not for himself, but for others.

– Pythagoras


Dear reader!

You are now reading the tenth newsletter from the association Knowledge for the Harmonious Development of Man. The purpose of the association is “to spread and promote in Sweden and abroad, the knowledge about reality, the esoteric world view and life view, in particular Pythagoras’ doctrine of knowledge, hylozoics, as it has been presented by Henry T. Laurency and Lars Adelskogh”.

The purpose of this newsletter is primarily to inform about news on the association’s website ( and about newly published books on knowledge of life from the association’s own Dodekaeder Publishing House, as well as other things of interest regarding the association’s activities. The newsletters are published on the days of the solstices. The next newsletter is therefore planned for 21 December 2024, the day of the winter solstice.

To our donors

We would like to draw our donors’ attention to the fact that the association has changed bank. The association now use Marginalen Bank and the new account number is 9235-5809429. If you have a standing transfer to the old bank account in JAK Medlemsbank, you need to change these bank details so that the donation can reach the association. Transfers to the association’s bank giro (5588-5776) are not affected.

In order to increase the stock of books in the association’s library, we have set up the Book Fund. The association intends to regularly allocate money to that fund so that we can make purchases of valuable books, mainly from antiquarian bookshops, when such books are available. We intend to eventually digitize these books and publish them in the association’s digital library:

Anyone wishing to support the association's book purchases will soon be able to make a donation directly to the Book Fund.

The website

As announced in our last newsletter, the association’s website, has undergone some changes, including moving the search function to the center of the home page. It may be useful to remind you once again that the search function allows you to search all the material published on the site, including thematic compilations such as this one: Advice to Esoteric Students.

We are currently in the process of evaluating a new platform for the website and the association’s digital library. We are therefore postponing the development of the website until this evaluation is finalized.

Library for Knowledge of Life

In the association’s digital library, we have recently published a new compilation: Reincarnation (in Swedish only).

Most of our readers will have noticed that on the day of the vernal equinox we published part four (the last part) of the series of interviews with Lars Adelskogh. We have now also published both Swedish and English subtitles for part four. So far, the subtitles are only available in the video on the association’s YouTube channel:

All four parts can be found on the association’s Odyssey and YouTube channels:

Dodekaeder Publishing House

Our preparations for the publication of several books continue unabated. However, for a number of reasons, we have not been able to finalize the books by the date we initially planned. In order not to end up in a similar situation again, we can now only announce that we are doing our best to ensure that at least one book can be published before the end of the year.

Until then, we refer to the books already published and available in our bookshop. A few CDs, with music composed by Count de Saint Germain, are also available in the bookshop.

Worth thinking about

We conclude with a thought-provoking quote from Aristoteles (translation by Lars Adelskogh). It may be added that Henry T. Laurency writes about Aristoteles in The Knowledge of Reality 5.9.

”And it is clear that the rule of the soul over the body, and of the mind and the rational element over the passionate, is natural and expedient; whereas the equality of the two or the rule of the inferior is always hurtful.”


We wish our readers a pleasant summer with inspiring and rewarding studies of books by Henry T. Laurency and Lars Adelskogh.


The Association Knowledge for the Harmonious Development of Man
Bank account: 9235-5809429 (Marginalen Bank); BG: 5588-5776
Publisher in charge: Dano Kostovski